Let's Talk Something xD

this place is fun \o/

And i learnt also so this is fucking funnn i am again attracted to towards all my old stuff but i left tg for studies i have to control … will still keep visiting the forum

yh dont leave this place like β€œsun saan” ill also be active here and post content

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don’t fucking motcate me to write (-__-)

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fuck i saw this 3 times it still shows unread from my side fuck fuck fuck jumping from here to here only

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lol cool down -_- and go and study

fuck studies i want to try more features of this forum … let’s try editing…


fuck wow

> let's try what is this omg this is awesome

Don’t worry, today’s guide will be on this :smiley:

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till that i will figure things by myself … lol

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btw it’s already have been posted somewhere unofficially, now am just making it in more detailed

gimme the raw material :rofl:

jk will be waiting for it

just search globally like italic, bold, etc…

Sat May  8 03:42:10 PM IST 2021
check your 2 days stats bruh


Did I miss watching anybody else competing with me on the top 1! (for atleast middle most 4 in the highlighted part)

not too much behind you fren soon will overrule you :smiley:

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I appreciate that!! :smiley: :+1:

you have to… lol

btw where is your email ??

where the mailing service is provided for it