Let's Talk Something xD

What the fuck

Why even

they fucking think by doing this people will shift to forummmm

People will leave group if like that lol

fuck how do i make them understand this fucking clear thinggg

i dont have any misunderstanding that people wont leave groups!

fuck u enough is enough this decission is no good…

and here you go one and a half century!

and what would u like to do?

open the groups… and fucking keep on sharing forummmmm

i don’t know the exact solution how to invite people…

but i am clear with one thing… closing groups… is no fucking solution to invite people in hereee

and you BEING TG incharge will be like “fuck am out of telegram, i will be active here anyways, but tg has to run”

and unless YOU took decision to get your tg acc inactivated and hoped here… you never liked messaging in the forum

reason is studies… i come here in my breaks… and after classes…

AND let others too

what will u even do in TG?

while u dont have answer for this… how can u demand something which is of WASTE!


telegram is good place to share this thing i know… how… for that i have to be active… just what u do in parrot os india … i do in many groups … and invite people to cybernity… i will invite them to forum gradully for that i can’t compromise on exaaamss fuck korona

btw for your info, am not doing any activities in ParrotOS community which is linked to CYBERNITY!

yeah not saying that… i was just giving example

so that i don’t need to type much … just like u volunteer for parrot os i m also in some groups have some friends and people

i answer them…