OffTopic/Chill-Zone for CYBERNITY

yeah it did


chrooting or somehow accessing the tty chrooting is the last step to try … that will obv recover most of the time…

wt will u do in tty?

chrooting was wt i would do

dpkg --configure-all / dpkg --configure -a with a sudo

bcz previous time i could not even type anything in rescue mode

so u back on sys?? recovered?

yep, it was hilarious

the next boot was just like tty in GUI

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

kde was literally fucked up,
i was saved just bcz i had keyboard shortcuts

the first thing i did… opening konsole
ok it was fine

and most astonishing thing!!!


it literally started doing everything by itself

lol why that’s astonishing??

ok everything was fine, i knew it would take more hours than usual, bcz it had to fix each n every program

it will be locked, it wont be able to unpack

but i couldnt figure out why it wasn’t so here

no only one or two are damaged while installation not all