OffTopic/Chill-Zone for CYBERNITY

cant drink minor here

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he too is minor lol

count me in too :sob: :sob:

You guys at least got called but no one even called me

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

wow dude can feel your pain(i know deep down you don’t care but more deeper you care… i know the dilemma )

Yep actually I don’t care. I didn’t even know it was brother’s day till he said it.

lol me too

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I didn’t even know such day existed

You ? Are you kidding me ?
You play boi and i thought not any single gurl text you in brothers day.


i got texts but none wished me brother’s day…

Yes why gurls wish you brothers day . You are play boi. first you said daughter and now you are daughter fucker

da phuck dude …
pls improve your mentality

Then pls stop teasing me by "thanks to someone " without any reason

reason is thereee uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu



Everyone was Happy before u came.

And how ?

evereyone is still happy after i came except you


U forgot to count DA , As and i thought some more ppls