OffTopic/Chill-Zone for CYBERNITY

Exactly such discussions do not belong in a forum! That’s what I meant to @Th3Director ! But you don’t seem to care.

A forum is not a chat where you have to worry about such things and belongs in Telegram!

wt does this mean?

Administrative matters do not belong in the forum. If they do, only a channel for admin topics :slightly_smiling_face:

btw wtever, this is OFFTOPIC

@Nikk-0x11 stop believing in to the lie of ‘classes’

which classes ?

which is a reason for one as busy schedule

who is busy? me ?

who u thought is :joy:


well fuck u @Th3Director for locking me out from mail and literally everywhere

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haha here they come

yeah but literally fuck u

yeah i would wish u happy fing :slight_smile:

btw how was your so called busy day filled with studies which in actual is a reason u nikhil to stop him irritate/f u :joy::rofl:

that was not meant for him btw we are always in contact morn to evening



and here u go am completeling

First 900 messages

:metal: :love_you_gesture:

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u really gone med