OffTopic/Chill-Zone for CYBERNITY

and for kind info…

never take my swearing seriously… i say fuck for phunn

like it’s fucking funn to say fucking

Yaah got it now at first messages seemed like stabbing knives. reading all those now it’s more friendly

Yupp i know


Nope it’s like a privacy house :eyes::eyes:

Hehe that too

more about ‘The Trust’ than ‘The Privacy’

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:joy::joy: lol ok bro chill

wait did u leave TG??

mangu come on TG or I’ll beat u

lmao really? :joy: :joy: :joy:

What will you do guys if tomorrow is your last day ?

Slap some people. Hook up with someone. Goof around.

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Just would spend last few minutes with gf chan xD

Ouch why clashes with ppl :joy:

What if you dont have ?

Since 30mins :joy: :rofl:

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and me is on 2% from the last 6 months

:unamused: :smirk: