Technical Memes xD




But ,Javascript is the future

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what about richard stallman, damnit

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gentoo detected

arch detected

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A person of culture I see.

i don’t want to repeat myself, but i’ll say this


I’m a little confused… Why does this matter? Not being rude or anything, I simply don’t understand why you feel a need to tell us this. :thinking:

lol I feel him more likely as a bot since the day I met him :joy:
Obviously, this is just n only a comment and nthg to offend xD

Is he not a bot ?:roll_eyes:
I still take him as a bot :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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monii … (roy)

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Lol that naagin

yuss she is hot

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:joy: stop this is our forum(agreed offtopic)

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don’t u think she is sakshi :innocent:

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Lol :joy: :joy: Proff’s lover

sakhsi == sexy (-_-)

Yh ik am saing about Moni Roy(ur lover xD) And why the fuck you gone off on telegram? lol just stopped checking telegram after u met forum :joy:

proff on forum always u can check @aboutproff in tg to know why i got offline on tg

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lemme check wait