10 Best Linux Distributions for Hacking & Penetration Testing!


:o:Info: These Linux distributions offer lots of useful tools for penetration testing, wireless security, forensic, etc.

:cyclone:1. BackTrack 5r3
:white_check_mark:useful : wireless cracking, exploiting, web application assessment, learning.

:cyclone:2. BackBox Linux
:white_check_mark:Useful: penetration tests and security assessments. It provides all suspects for Forensic Analysis, Documentation & Reporting, Reverse Engineering with John, Nmap, Social Engineering Tool, etc.

:cyclone:3. Blackbuntu
:white_check_mark:Useful: Tools for Information Gathering, Network Mapping, Vulnerability Identification, Penetration, Maintaining Access, radio Network Analysis, Reverse Engineering, etc.

:cyclone:4. Samurai Web Testing Framework
:white_check_mark:Useful: It offers lots of open source and free tools that would help you focus on testing and attacking websites.

:cyclone:5. Knoppix STD
:white_check_mark:useful: live CD and can be installed on a hard disk. The STD stands for Security Tools Distribution. Knoppix provides you a full scenario for cryptography.

:cyclone:6. Pentoo
:white_check_mark:Useful: This one is based on a security live CD on Gentoo. “Pentoo is Gentoo with the pentoo overlay”. This is designed for penetration testing and security assessment. The operating system offers lots of security-focused tools and it can be customized to suit your needs.

:cyclone:7. WEAKERTH4N
:white_check_mark:Useful: This penetrating distro is meant for Wifi hacking as it contains many wireless tools. SQL Hacking, Cisco Exploitation, Password Cracking, Web Hacking, Networking and Shells.

:cyclone:8. Kali Linux
:white_check_mark:useful : Penetration Testing, Ethical Hacking, and network security assessments. This is one of the best pentesting distros that you will surely love to use. lots of hacking tools.

:cyclone:9. Bugtraq
:white_check_mark:useful: Bugtraq offers a wide range of tools in different branches. You would find mobile forensic tools, malware testing tools, audit tools for GSM, wireless tools, etc.

:cyclone:10. NodeZero
:white_check_mark:Useful: The great thing about NodeZero is that it gives you instant access to over 300 penetration testing tools. It gives lots of default applications like Firefox web browser, F-Spot photo manager, PiTiVi video editor, etc.

Hope you found it useful !


This list is a little out of date.

  • Backtrack hasn’t been maintained in years…

  • Blackbuntu is not maintained anymore.

  • WEAKERTH4N is now “Demon Linux”

  • Bugtraq hasn’t been around for a while either.

  • I can’t even find reference to NodeZero anywhere except archival sites.

Kali is still being maintained (and is considered an industry standard). and unmentioned is ParrotOS (one of the better distros for security work alive and maintained today [opinion])

But for a more comprehensive list you can search Distrowatch, or just follow this handy list of security distributions.


Agreed that these are distro’s are made for hacking and pentesting purpose but not every distro among these is good. People use kali black arch parrot more because they are stable for a experienced (hacker) but a beginner always should go for parrotOS (best). And also these distro’s arent maintained properly as said by wother.


where is my ParrotOS :triumph: :triumph: :triumph:


wait a min your parrot OS as far as i know u were KALI guy and me and advait were parrot guys

from the starting me and advait are the parrot guys

he was in parrot from maybe more than year, but went to arch in the middle just like me

ahh then he is in the same track as me

dude parrot was my first *nix system and the longest one too

ok ok i got it cool down me married to parrot u are Ex


lol u married to arch now?

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nice me maintaining 3 wife parrot garuda and windows

me winhoe, parrot, arch.

tho not maintaining winhoe

lol but its essential for me

lol it’s of no use for meh
btw why the fuck are u roaming here and there

where am i roaming man im not near to your home also (-_-)

And f u married to Garuda and am still the arch/void chad :sunglasses: