Debian v/s Ubuntu

Debian Vs Ubuntu

Ubuntu and Debian are both quite similar in many respects. They both use the APT package management system and DEB packages for manual installation. They both have the same default desktop environment, which is GNOME.
This means that the default look and feel, and most of the default/preinstalled applications will be the same.

1. Release Cycle

One prime difference between Ubuntu and Debian is the release cycle.

2. Stability

Stability can be essential according to your use purpose. There are some differences between the stability of Ubuntu and Debian, which you should know about.

3. Development

This point may not be important to everyone, but it is essential, nevertheless. The development methods and teams for both distributions are different.

4. Software Repositories

Ubuntu has quite a vast software repository. Owing to its popularity, it has a great selection of software present in its repositories already, but there are more options to add. Please note that the default repositories are enough in most cases.

5. System Performance

Debian and Ubuntu both perform quite well and feel snappy on most hardware. Although if you go into the minute details, Ubuntu comes with more software promising certain ‘features’ that could be considered bloat. This can differ from user to user. Debian, on the other hand, comes with minimal preinstalled software.

6. Gaming

If you are a gamer, then you will probably be concerned with the latest software, drivers, and hardware support. While Debian can potentially provide that, it is likely that you might end up breaking your installation. As mentioned before, Ubuntu supports certain proprietary packages as well, which often consist of graphics drivers, which are essential to gaming. Debian focuses on the open-source aspect of the software. Hence, it can be troublesome to get all sorts of software working.

7. Installation

For the installation process, Debian uses the Debian Installer, which is based on nCurses. On the other hand, Ubuntu uses an installer called Ubiquity.

8. Desktop Environment Choices

Debian provides quite a few choices when it comes to desktop environments. For example, you can check out the ISO page of the latest release of Debian (Buster) here. The DEs provided are GNOME, Cinnamon, Xfce, KDE, MATE, LXDE, LXQt, and something called ‘Standard,’ which is Debian with no graphical interface. The default DE for Debian is set to GNOME.


Ubuntu and Debian are both fantastic distributions. While they might look similar on the surface, you will find more differences the deeper you go. What it comes down to, eventually, is personal preferences and requirements.
Are you comfortable with proprietary software, or do you want to commit to open source? Are you okay with a little bit of tinkering once in a while, or do you want everything to be easily accessible?

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could have explained what a release cycle is

And you left many places just like that atleast give a small description.

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