Get NordVPN membership of 2 years for free?

How To Get Nord VPN For 2 years Free

Nord Vpn 2 Year Trick :sparkles:

Things Needed - 
1.Good Browser 
2.Powerful VPN
4.Fresh Made Amazon Account

Steps :

  1. Connect any VPN To USA (getting any free vpn for now is enough)

  2. Then Goto Browser , and make afresh account of Amazon by fake number . Like by 2ndline …
    Site :

  3. After Creating account , now is the step …

  4. You Will Need A CCN For this Trick
    Bin = 411774407301xxxx 06/24

  5. Make Sure You Add CCN Correctly

  6. After Adding CCN in Amazon account use any US address and save the payment method.

  7. Now Goto Nord VPN Site and Select 2 Year Plan…

  8. Then Fill the details and select Amazon Pay Method …

  9. Then For mail use any temp-mail…
    After Then click on continue and use same mail for Amazon

  10. And then u will see the cc added then click continue payment …

  11. After Then U Will See Payment Successfully
    …And Done U are ready To Use Own Nord VPN…

Note : If U don't add ccn u will get a message like ur card have insufficient Funds..

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Till Then Bye-Bye!