Introducing Python

Hey, do you want to learn Python?

Do you know about the 30 days Python Series started by CyberNity and The Geeky Boy on Instagram? Do visit that, click here.

Well keeping these talks apart, lemme introduce myself, I’m MR.ANON, founder of Anon Security Solutions. And Today in this Blog/Article I’ll give you a short introduction to Python. So Let’s move on…

Ever You thought about what is Python?

No no, I’m not talking about the snake. I’m talking about Python the programming language.
Python is a high-level programming language that is processed by the Python “Interpreter”.

But wait what is a programming language?

We all are using computers in our daily life, and when we try to speak with computers they don’t respond. WHY? Because computer can’t understand our language, so the language which computer understands is known as the programming language.

Again coming on to Python…

Python includes a comprehensive standard library of distilled code modules that can be easily incorporated into your own programs. The python language was developed by Guido van Rossum in the late 80s and early 90s at the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands. Python is derived from many other languages including C, C++, the Unix shell, and other programming languages today.

Python is maintained by a core development team at the Institute. Although Guido Van Rossum still holds a vital role in directing its progress. The basic philosophy of the python language is readability which makes it particularly we’ll be sweated for beginners in computer programming and it can be summarized by the following principles.

  • Beautiful is better than ugly.

  • Explicit is better than implicit.

  • Simple is better than complex.

  • Complex is better than complicated.

  • Readability counts some of Python’s key distinguishing features that make it an attractive choice of language for beginners.

Python is free and is open-source distributable software. It is easy to learn and has a simple language syntax. It is easy to read and maintain. And it also provides a large standard library for easy integration to your own programs. Python is interactive it has a terminal for debugging and testing snippets of code python is portable. It runs on a wide variety of hardware platforms and has the same interface on all the platforms.

There is no compilation required. Python is an high-level language and has automatic memory management. It allows the addition of low-level modules to the interpreter for customization. It even supports both procedure-oriented programming and object-oriented programming. As python is very robust so it has the capacity can create console programs and common Gateway interface scripts to process web data.

In the end, I hope that you understood what I told you here. Let me know in the comments below if I forgot anything to be mentioned here.
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@named_aditya @Th3Director

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