Konsole theme

This was a bit difficult as it can only be done using hex code and config file, but works :+1: :+1:


yup it’s looking amazing :slight_smile:

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You’re new to linux?..If yes? Use xfce first it’s the best de(I may be wrong)… customize is then shift to kde and make it look lit af…then welcome to the world of window managers…

And basically all these customization and making linux look beautiful is called the process of ricing. You can have a look at r/unixporn for reference but then don’t directly as at groups and all how to do that…it’s all created by using brains creating own dotfiles…you can also but first use de’s try to master the command line. And then start using i3 wm and to be noted window managers are configured by a file/config in the .config folder.


Also for example you can also have a look at my screenshot2021-03-11-102500_1366x768_scrot


dem keyboards… mmmm… yeah…



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i need a mechanical keyboard like that

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install color
apt install color
for matrix animation install cmatrix
apt install cmatrix
for multiple e tiles install tilix
apt install tilix
be sure to install neofetch too, it gets me through hard times sometimes
apt install neofetch
and add compiler to program
apt install python gcc
text editor can be nano vim or bat
apt install nano vim bat

also you can get source from all packages
apt-get source [package name]

just keep on experimenting and wondering here and there in your sys you will learn everything what if you just right clicked your terminal and saw that preferences option this discussion would have never been created

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u can additionally change all your configs in the file .fish

u can find in it from your dolphin file manager

or u can also go to customize it through your terminal