Let's Talk Something xD

bruh this is not right imagine a guy is installing or has some errors and he see’s group is locked and then goes in some admins pm and asks and we all give link to our forum so this doesnt goes like we all are thinking that they will join our forum make a acc and then make a post here and tbh forums are slow most of the time and tg is realy good images can be upload and i even say closing tg is 30% good cause the activity on forum will increase if we go on increasing tg then forum would just become a dump yard for resources and courses no one is gna read or come here


I second this motion

no benifit can’t do anything now…

tg groups are closed gentleman… deal with it … some people(team members) think it will encourage members to join…

then your path would be, go on increasing activity on tg, achieve something, get banned by telegram who is the fucking owner/regulator with fucked up guidelines and who just bans everything if any one of that is reported as copyright infringement which that person who reported himself doesn’t own that rights
And finally banned once for all without even getting a chance to tell your members that join us on another “dash dash group/platform”
Then you want to start everything from scratch and SAME SHIT REPEATS
Then AGAIN start from scratch on the same shit platform where u already know that u are getting banned

AND STILL NOBODY CARES “BEING ADMINS/TEAM MEMBERS” that we want our member ‘truely interested members’ to sign up on forum and continue their journey here


yh i agree with both the terms so only i presented both the sides from my side nah

both sides are not what necessary reply needed here

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k fren

now u imagine a person gets a error in something he doesnt know the first thing he would do is google then the top rusults will be from forum then he will see those and have it solved and doesnt even visit tele ? isnt this also possible then why cant we be in one of the top forum where all solution are given

grow up kid there is a whole world except tele and u know what in the worlds total population only 40% use tele and rest all use brain and go to forums and other vast platforms

Now where did sandrio disappear

maybe u meant what he is typing…

ok so how many super guys like that have u seen who first do google not many are like we all are bro

@mangeshrex quite they are correct let them do whatever they want end discussion now

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nah i didnt check that u were typing

including me there are many ppl almost 90% of the ppl do a quick google first rather than searching in tele groups…

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how’s your ricing channel going btw bruh

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he has one vid 24 subs and working fine

yh very good i didnt expect this much response from ppl and am happy its motivating me alot

good good keep going ahead fren

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