MITM Arp Spoof | kali linux | man in the middle attack

This is only for EDUCATIONAL Purpose and Ethical hacking.

A man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack is one of the most dangerous and effective attacks that you can carry out in a network. You can only perform it once you’re connected to the network.

It can be used to redirect the flow of packets from any client to your device. This means that any packet that is sent to or from the client will have to go through your device, and since you know the password and the key to the network, you’ll be able to read those packets. This attack is so effective because it’s very hard to protect against.

MITM attack works using a technique called ARP poisoning or ARP spoofing. This is done by exploiting the two security issues. The first one is that each ARP request or response is trusted. You can just tell any device that’s on your network that you’re the router and the device will trust you.

The second security issue is that the clients can accept responses even if they didn’t send a request. So, for example, when a device connects to the network, the first thing it will ask is, “Who is the router?” And then the router will send a response saying, “I am the router.”

Now, you can just send a response without the device asking who the router is. You can simply tell the device that you’re the router, and because the devices trust anyone, they will trust you and start sending packets instead of sending the packets to the router.