Text Formatting | MARKDOWN

ctrl+b = bold
ctrl+i = italic
ctrl+e = monospace/code/preformatted_text_font/or type ' before and after

leave a line space, and in the next line, give 4 'spaces' before your starting text to make it in single line with scrollbar if it goes long 

OR if your code is already long then it will also enabled with previous code markdown

ctrl+shift+9 = quote style /or type " > " before the line

ctrl+k = hyperlink/embed link into words /or even by [title](link)

  • ctrl+shift+8 = add bullets to the lists/dot points Or add * at the starting of the line and give a space
  1. ctrl+shift+7 = add numbers to the lists/numbered point

adding hash once = give one more lines space before the text and make text font bigger than that of bold /or type " = " in it’s very next line

adding twice will just make it bit smaller than single # hash /or type " - " in it’s very next line

thrice will make it more smaller than double hash

--- 3 hyphens to add a horizontal rule just like above

“~~” before n after the text for ~strikethrough~

Hiding Details


as you can see the settings/TOOL button on the bottom right
There you can click “Hide Details
and then hide any long text just in a single word or a sentence as per your needs, just like in the below example…

How to hide

This Text is hidden under “How to hide” And would only show up by clicking then arrow or the text.

It’s never an end here… Markdown also know as Markup Language so beautiful to make your texts look more beautiful

And not just markup, you can also make use of your HTML skill on our forum to format your text!
Stay tuned with this Guide to know more about this Beautiful Place!..

Don’t forget to turn on your notifications!
The next Part will be released shortly and the link will also be posted here!!

Till then… Ciao!

And a +point for Bloggers…
Make use of this to Enhance the looks of your blogs!

how was that scrolling thing created??

here you go I’ve added it!


The entire RAW text of this Tutorial Guide- “Text Formatting | MARKDOWN

**ctrl+b = bold**
*ctrl+i = italic*
`ctrl+e = monospace/code/preformatted_text_font/or type ' before and after `

    leave a line space, and in the next line, give 4 'spaces' before your starting text to make it in single line with scrollbar if it goes long 
OR if your code is already long then it will also enabled with previous code markdown

> ctrl+shift+9 = quote style  /or type " > " before the line

ctrl+k = hyperlink/embed link into words  /or even by `[title](link)`
* ctrl+shift+8 = add bullets to the lists/dot points Or add * at the starting of the line and give a space

7. ctrl+shift+7 = add numbers to the lists/numbered point

# adding hash once = give one more lines space before the text and make text font bigger than that of bold  /or type " = " in it's very next line 
## adding twice will just make it bit smaller than single # hash  /or type " - " in it's very next line
### thrice will make it more smaller than double hash ##
`---` 3 hyphens to add a horizontal rule just like above 

"~~" before n after the text for ~~~strikethrough~~~

# Hiding Details

as you can see the settings/TOOL button on the bottom right
There you can click "**Hide Details**"
and then hide any long text just in a single word or a sentence as per your needs, just like in the below example..

[details="How to hide"]
This Text is hidden under "How to hide" And would only show up by clicking then arrow or the text.


[quote="Th3Director, post:5, topic:470"]
The entire RAW text of this Tutorial Guide https://cybernity.group/t/text-formatting-markdown/470/5#the-entire-raw-text-of-this-tutorial-guide-text-formatting-markdownhttpscybernitygroupttext-formatting-markdown470udir-1

> It's never an end here... Markdown also know as Markup Language so beautiful to make your texts look more beautiful
> And not just markup, you can also make use of your HTML skill on our forum to format your text!
***Stay tuned with this Guide to know more about this Beautiful Place!..***
>Don’t forget to turn on your notifications!
The next Part will be released shortly and the link will also be posted here!!
>*Till then… Ciao!*

One more feature that i missed it before…

Click here to Read back about it…

Ctrl+Shift+C has now been updated to Ctrl+E with more feature in it!