Top Web Development Available on Internet
Hey, today I will be helping you to find best resources available in Internet for Web Developers !
1. Online Learning Platforms
- Udemy
- FreeCodeCamp
- Treehouse
- Frontend masters
- Coursera
- Traversy media
- SoloLearn
- Codecademy
- Udacity
- Alison
- Code college
- LinkedIn Learning
- Skillshare
- EdX
2. Editors and Share Code Snippets
- PlayCode
- JSFiddle
- CodePen
- StackBlitz
- JSBin
- Codesandbox
- Codeinterview .io
- godbolt .org
- wandbox .org
- pastebin .com
- ideone .com
- ide.judge0 .com
3. Documentations and notes
- w3 schools
- mdn
- Devdocs
- geeksforgeeks
- tutorialspoint
- javapoint
4. Competitive programming
- CodeChef
- HackerEarth
- HackerRank
- AlgoExpert
- LeetCode
- TopCoder
- Codewars
- Codeforces
- Coderbyte
- Exercism
5. Learn by playing game
- Grid garden
- Flexbox defense
- Codecombat
- Unfold
- Ruby warrior
- Screeps
- coding game
- CodeMonkey
- CSS diner
- Flexbox froggy
- Check IO
- Cyber-dojo
- Untrusted
6. Colors
- Colorhunt
- Paletto
- Design Seeds
- Coolors
- Bootflat
- 0 to 255
- uiGradients
- BrandColors
- Image color picker
- Colour Lovers
- WebGradients
- Egg gradient
- Gradient Hunt
- Color-hex
- FlatUIColors
- CSS gradients
7. Background
- Repeat-X Repeat-Y
- Texture King
- Pattern8
- Subtle Patterns
- Patternico
- BG Patterns
- Lost and Taken
- Freepik
- Cool backgrounds
- BG generator
8. Icons
- Icons8
- Captain Icon
- Iconmonstr
- Linear Icons
- Pixeden
- Perfect Icons
- Font Awesome
- flaticon
- Fontello
- The Noun Project
- Endless Icons
- Round Icons
- Iconfinder
- Freeicons
- Icon-icons
- Findicons
9. Illustrations
- Undraw
- Freepik
- IRA design
- DrawKit
- Absurd Illustrations
- Handz
- freeillustrations .xyz
- Freebie Supply
- ManyPixels
- Vivid.js
- Humaaans
- Open Doodles
- Icons8
- Glazestock
- Paper illustrations
- illlustrations .co
- isometric .online
10. Fonts
- Google fonts
- Font Bundles
- Behance
- Dafont
- Font Squirrel
- Abstract Fonts
- 1001 Fonts
11. Photos
- Unsplash
- Pixabay
- PicJumbo
- IM Free
- Pexels
- Flickr
- Gratisography
- Stock Up
- Cupcake
- Adobe Stock
- Icons8
- Rgbstock
- Pikwizard
- Stocksnap
- Shutterstock
- Freestocks
12. Testing
- Pingdom
- Website Speed Test
- SEO Site Checkup
- Uptrends
- Dotcom-Tools
- GTmetrix
- WebPageTest
- Dareboost
- SEO tools
- Nibbler
- BrowserStack
13. Hosting
- Github pages
- Netlify
- Firebase
- Vercel
- Heroku
14. JavaScript visual libraries
- Chart.js
- D3.js
- React-vis
- Three.js
- Victory
- Chartkick
- Google Charts
- Flexmonster
- ApexCharts
- Echarts
- Frappe Charts
- ReCharts
15. CSS generators
- coolbackgrounds .io
- css3buttongenerator .com
- neumorphism .io
- glassmorphism .com
- css3generator .com
- Fancy-border-radius
- bennettfeely .com/clippy
- cssgradient .io
- blobmaker .app
- getwaves .io
- cssgenerator .org
- csssbuttongenerator .com
- svgator .com
- cssbuttoncreator .com
- cssgenerators .net
- svgbackgrounds .com
- bgjar .com
- cssboxshadow .com
- css3generator .com
- cssfiltergenerator .com
- neumorphic .design
16. Code snippets
- Codepen
- Codesandbox
- CSS-Tricks
- Hakim .se
- Code My UI
- CreativesFeed
- Bootsnipp
- 30 seconds of code
- 30 Seconds of CSS
- Stackoverflow
- Code to go
- Tweetsnippet
- GitHub
- W3 Schools
- EnjoyCSS
- Web Code Tool
17. Interview preparation
- CodeChef
- HackerEarth
- LeetCode
- HackerRank
- Interview Cake
- InterviewBuddy
- glassdoor
- AlgoExpert
- interviewing .io
- Interview camp
- Coderbyte
- InterviewBit
- GeeksForGeeks
- AmbitionBox
18. Chrome extensions
- Wappalyzrer
- CSS Scan
- Marmoset
- Pesticide
- Ghostery
- HTML Validator
- Keyframes
- ColorZilla
- Page Ruler
- UX Check
- Checkbot
- LambdaTest
- JSONView
19. Apply for internships
- angel .co
- indeed .com
- chegg .com
- letsintern .com
- perfectintern .com
- remoteok .io
- nodesk .io
- remoteinternships .com
- internhq .com
20.Apply for jobs
- angel .co
- dice .com
- hiring
- devsnap .io
- freshersworld .com
- flexjobs .com
- remote .co
- whoishiring .io
- remoteml .com
- weworkremotely .com
- simplyhired .com
- remoteok .io
- upwork .com
- freelancer .com
: All the resources are available on Internet, just search these names, and their websites will pop up. If I would have started writing everyoneβs link, then it would have taken much hours than now!
Hope you got any help from this!
Many thanks !