Virtualisation & Its Types


The process of transforming physical infrastructure including servers, networks, equipment & turning them into software alternatives is known as virtualisation.

  • Virtual machines :- a virtual representation of a physical machine.
  • Virtual hypervisor :- A software application that monitors and manages running virtual machines.
  • Host machine ;- the physical machine that a virtual machine is running on.
  • Guest machine ;- the virtual machine running on the host machine.

Types of virtualisation

  • Software emulation
  • Containers & namespaces
  • Full system & hardware virtualisation
  • Same architecture virtualisation
  • Cross architecture virtualisation

Methods of virtualisation

  • Full-software emulation
  • Trap & emulate


  • Guest operating systems are aware they are being virtualised.
  • They co-operate with the hypervisor to enable increased memory and device performance.
  • they no longer “trap-and-emulate”, but Instead request privileged operations directly from the hypervisor.
  • They can co-operate with the hypervisor so that host memory can be more efficiently distributed.
  • Instead of providing an emulated storage device, the hypervisor can provided a
  • paravirtualised implementation.
  • Typically used in data centres for large-scale virtualisation.

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thanks for such beautiful and quick overview