What Is Ricing?

and what was that?

‘This’ is always dependent on individuals, as just proff said

and as per wother,

and if it is just pre-cofiguredwith somde DE,

All that i do the same too… It is just that some people have time and patience to invest in ricing and some like us prefer pre-configured, but that doesnt mean i live with the stock, but i do the customizations to make the de impress myself and ofcourse minimal to an extent!
And if in case of ricing, i ssly can’t bcoz in KDE i most probably take 1 to 2 hours MAX to bring MY fav look that i have been set to since some past 6-7months, and no matter which DE am almost into converting that same as that of my fav look. BUT for ricing it will literally take too long comparitively and We don’t have that patience nor I can consider it as worth of the effort compartive to DEs

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yeah things get set according to time… like when i need somethig i just set only when i need it

I remember this method made me realise how many features were just waste i never used them so yeah that’s what i feel

Once touchpad gestures were important for me… now i love keyboard shortcuts creating custom ones and playing is what i love now thus never needed to set gestures which i would do at the time of “ricing”

What I actually mean is just set the thing in 10 mins and start working as you continue working the features you miss / want just set them at that instant … I follow this startegy now, coz i have “riced” my system 11 times in 28 hrs and reinstalling blah blah each time i fucked up the sys so yeah now am good.

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