Can hacking Social media accounts make you a hacker?

Getting straight to the point - no, it can’t. Because that’s not what hackers do, hackers secure or exploit(depending on their types) but however, there are some ethical sides of this that I’ll be talking about. Now two questions arise, what is social media hacking and why are so many people interested in it?

Social media hacking is simply gaining access to someone’s social media accounts - let it be Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. There are many ways to do this, the non-technical ways: dumpster driving(searching for valuable information in recycle bins or somewhere unexpected), sholder surfing(peeking into someone’s phone or device while they are typing their credentials) etc. and the technical ways: phishing(as the name suggests, phishing is like baiting the fish{fish refers to the user} to give its credentials), brute forcing(an attack that relies on guessing the password) etc. But social media hacking is no good. It “doesn’t make you a hacker” by hacking someone’s social media account, you are just violating their privacy as well as doing an illegal thing. You’re not securing any system by doing this.

Now, why do people hack social media accounts? The reasons can be infinite, but some of them are:

  1. To flex about their “tech skills”
  2. To check the password strength (this one’s the ethical side)
  3. To learn several attacks (hah! Learning never ends)

Thus, we can concluded by saying that this coin also has two sides, one ethical and one unethical. But the problem arises when people choose the unethical side (the one that’s the most famous) and don’t want to learn anything but just “hack” And call themselves a “HACKER”.


one more major reason to add in its list
REVENGE it may be GFs/BFs/other Relations/friends…*majorly :joy: :joy:


and as specified in TOS, using your tag at the end of the message isn’t preferred becoz u will however get your profile attached to the top of the post.


Yeah I forgot. I’ll edit it now

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Dig this. I would be harsher in my wording, as most people that are attempting to take over someone’s account are doing it as a creepy stalker method, and honestly, there is no real reason to need to access someone else’s social media.

I’ve even run into moral issues when conducting a pentest, like finding out that the boss is sleeping with his secretary, and walked away from the job because I could not complete the task without exposing someone’s personal life within the report.

Generally, though, social media is garbage in general. If one finds that they want to have access to something they shouldn’t, they should have a long hard look at their life, and how they interact with the world around them.

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Glad it drew some attention. Anyways, I still think that there are some reasons for which someone might “hack” an account. I know I sound crazy, The reasons for “hacking” someone’s account can be:

  1. To check the password strength

  2. To learn an attack(but only if you have permission to do this, if you don’t then that will be considered black hat)

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There are fantastic resources online to test the strength of a password without breaking into an account.

I will only speak from personal experience from within the industry, but breaking a social media account has never been requested by anyone professionally in any capacity. Only creeps and weirdos want to log into someone else’s social media.

Furthermore, I can’t honestly think of a use for a social media account in a phishing campaign or red team engagement. Maybe impersonating someone close to a target that might be a vector, but this is usually a small step to exploiting a vector in an organization. It also brings up huge privacy concerns (see my example above).


Hey I can also post stuff like this right? xD

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ofcourse if it’s worth:)

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Yeah yeah I also try to make it worth :no_mouth::smirk: xD

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Always better to beg forgiveness, than ask permission. Hell, I essentially just rant in here to hear myself type. God I love my keyboard.


:roll_eyes::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:didn’t understand

When you askeed to post “stuff like this also” :stuck_out_tongue:

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Means u wanna say " should ask permission? "

lmao, Yea I saw your mechanical keyboard it has noice old kind of looks and it works amazingly it’s a perfect match for you (cuz you type loooong and amazing stuff)


It is like having a good set of tires on your car. And while it is an “old school” style, it is still brand new. I am always happy to recommend hardware if anyone is interested.


lmao that’s the first and main reason for 95% of the so called “hackers”

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turu af

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Intel vs AMD ?