Rules for CYBERNITY Discussion!
Read this before you post.
- If you have a question
- GOOGLE it first, seriously.
- Then next, search it in the group and here.
English only here.
Be clear and concise in your words.
Explain what your question is correctly and completely (what do you need now or what is the issue? what have you did previously?) in full sentences.
Use the #forum for long-form questions that we can all build off
of, and help those that come after us.
- Illegal works and ADs are STRICTLY PROHIBITED here.
No Promotions without permission.
Do not PM any Admin without asking them first, and don’t be discouraged
if they tell you “no”
Have patience after you send a message, nobody is here waiting to reply to you (they have their own work). We will get to it when we have time.
Maintain Respect in your words.
Racism/ Politics/ Religious/ abusing/ targeting or hurting someone/ carding/ buying or selling/ or any other similar contents are Never allowed.
If there is Violation of Rules/anything wrong/non-postable content or anything that needs Serious Action over it, then please tag admins
Violating the Rules may lead to warning/mute/ban
Or if you are muted/banned/punished and think you did not Violate any rules, then contact an Admin or send Feedback through